Materials Needed·
Paper· Pencil
Other Materials: Other Resources(e.g. Web, books, etc.)
"Seed to Plant" by Melvin and Gilda Berger
one white carnation per child
one plastic test tube and holder (Steve Spangler) per child
food coloring
sharp knife for teacher
chart paper and marker
Objectives(Specify skills/information that will be learned. It must be derived from the education standard(s) and address the Goal/Purpose)
Iowa Early Learning Standards 2006
Area 11.4
Scientific reasoning: Children observe, describe, and predict the world around them.
At the end of this lesson, the children will be able to sucessfully predict what color their white carnation will be after sitting in colored water and be able to tell why.
Procedures(Describe what the instructor AND students will do at each stage of the lesson. This is a play by play of what will happen)
1. Gather no more than 8 children to the table and read to them "Seed to Plant" by Berger.
2. Discuss the three things plants need to grow: soil, water and sun. Have visuals in addition to book - such as a glass of water, a picture of rain, soil in a cup, a sunny window.
3. Ask the children "How does the water get into the plant?" Show them the picture of the roots. "We can see the roots, but what is happening in the leaves?" Wait for responses.
4. Show the carnation - explain that the flowers used to have roots. Give each child their carnation and have them talk about and point out the various parts of the flower.
5. Have the children fill their test tubes with water and after they have chosen their color, help them put about 20 drops of food color in their tube.
6. Have the children make predictions about what might happen to their flower and why.
7. Chart their responses.
8. Have the children put their flowers in their tubes. Set aside until the next day of school.
9. Next day - have the children observe and teacher record what happened to their flowers.
Assessment/Verification(Steps to check for student understanding. (We will talk about this in Chapter 15. )
Record the children's observations on the classroom chart. Child should be able to verbalize that his flower was in green water and now turned green because the plant drank green water and it traveled up the stem.
Reinforcement/ Expansion Activities(Describe the independent activities to further develop or build upon this lesson. Often this involves independent or small group work. You may think in terms of seat work, web work, discovery projects, )
1. Dramatic play - Set up a green house with plastic flowers, baskets, aprons for workers.
2. Children can decorate a yogurt container with a face, put in dirt and grass seed. Water it and place it in a sunny window and watch a grasshead appear.
3. Put dirt in the sensory table along with 3 oz. disposable cups. Encourage the children to plant seeds to take home. Label cups.
4. Add tractors, farm animals to the block area.
5. Add various types of beans,seeds to the free art area and encourage mosaic work.
6. At home spray paint big lima beans and use them at school as markers, counters and for patterns.
7. Read Eric Carle's "The Tiny Seed". Children can participate in a wall mural which has many flowers in it and they can draw more and adorn them with tissue paper squares that they glue on.
8. Make a chart about which flowers or colors of flowers they like best.
9. If in the spring or fall, take a nature walk and see the flowers in peoples gardens. We are fortunate where we are in that we are right near a trail that goes by private homes and their back yards. Many gardens to see.
10. Play "Seed, seed, sprout". (Duck, duck, goose)
Adaptations(Choose a special need and add adaptations where it will be necessary for those students).
ADHD1. Allow the child to get up and move as necessary around the table. This might be accomplished by sending her on little errands - to get more water or a marker or something.
2. Have the child sit in the chair next to the teacher.
3. Have picture board available to follow steps. 4. Praise often for attention given.
Additional NotesThis lesson was planned as a table activity with one teacher and 8 four year olds.
Iowa Early Learning Standard
Seed to Plant by Berger
The Tiny Seed by Carle
Steve Spangler
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