Materials Needed·
Paper· Pencil
Other Materials: Other Resources(e.g. Web, books, etc.)
Every child Reads - Heartland AEA
Tape - Kindermusik:Level one - Listening examples
Tape player
Large pieces of butcher
paperscarves - one per child
paint brushes - one per child and several buckets of water
Objectives(Specify skills/information that will be learned. It must be derived from the education standard(s) and address the Goal/Purpose)
Iowa Early Learning Standards
10.3 - Early writing: Children engage in early writing experiences
*child is given opprotunity to use large and small motor control in pre-writing skills
Procedures(Describe what the instructor AND students will do at each stage of the lesson. This is a play by play of what will happen)
Prior to lesson starting, tape two large pieces of butcher paper to wall. Each is large enough for 8 children to stand at .
2. Gather children and give each a scarf.
4. Play 3 or 4 (!5 second) examples and encourage chldren to move the scarf to match what they are hearing. Children move with their scarf to the music.
5. Take the scarves and give each child a paint brush. Have then paint with water , playing 3 or 4 examples on the tape. Again, chldren are encouraged to paint to match the music.
6. Move to the other paper and give each child a crayon. Encourage the children to color to match what they are hearing on the tape. Play several tracks.
7. All the time, encourage the children as they are moving to the music. Use body language to match the music. Be a good role model.
Assessment/Verification(Steps to check for student understanding. (We will talk about this in Chapter 15. )
Child is able to demonstrate control of scarf, brush and crayon.
Child exhibits an ability to try different strokes to match different music. Child is able to grasp various instruments to pre-write.
Reinforcement/ Expansion Activities(Describe the independent activities to further develop or build upon this lesson. Often this involves independent or small group work. You may think in terms of seat work, web work, discovery projects, )
1. Clothes pin drop - Child picks up cotton ball with clothes pin and drops it in a different container.
2. Dramatic play - "Pizza Hut" Cener allows for order taking with pad and pencil and pizza making with felt pizzas and felt toppings.
3. Art - finger painting
4. Water table - Use turkey basters, eye droppers and "syringes" from play doctor kits to strengthen fingers and grasping
5. Play-doh table - ABC cookie cutters, strengthening grasp
6. Crayons kept in freezer until used - their coldness adds interest
7. Add clappers to the music center
8. Magnets in the science center. Small motor is developed as they pull them apart.
9. Use wooden tracing boards with stylus
10. Have scented markers available
11. Put masking tape shapes down on the floor in the block area and encourage following the shapes with blocks.
Adaptations(Choose a special need and add adaptations where it will be necessary for those students)
Visually impaired
Child is able to participate in activity with aide along side to keep child in safe space.
Child encouraged to feel wet paper after brush exercise.
Child tops pizza and has order pad with raised letters.
Uses wooden tracing board without stylus and uses finger to trace.
Make the taped shapes in the block room raised so the child can follow them.
BD -
Child is able to earn tokens in token ecomomy system for appropriate behavior during activity
Praise often during activity, emphasizing successes and good choices
Stay near student during activity, placing hand on child's back if child starts to get too agitated.
Allow child to sit out of activity if needed.
Have alturnative paper available if needed to be removed from large group activity.
Additional Notes
Lesson planned for one teacher and 8 students (4 year olds)
Iowa Early Learning Standards 2006
Every Child Reads- Heartland AEA
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