Monday, December 10, 2007

Lesson Plan #3

Materials Needed
Paper· Pencil
Other Materials: Other Resources(e.g. Web, books, etc.)
Egg sized smooth stones with "s" printed on them - one per child
"Stone Soup" by Marcia Brown
Chart and marker
Paper bag with stone soup ingredients - stone, potato, carrot, onion, milk carton, soup bone (clean :-) ) Have enough so that each child can hold one.
Soup pot
Objectives(Specify skills/information that will be learned. It must be derived from the education standard(s) and address the Goal/Purpose)
Iowa Learning Standards, 2006
1. 11.2 Early Literacy - Children engage in early reading experiences
*child will be able to listen to and relate back the story of Stone Soup
2. 9.4 - Peer interactions
Children develop the ability to interact with peers respectfully and to form positive peer relationships
* child will be able to demonstrate sharing
Procedures(Describe what the instructor AND students will do at each stage of the lesson. This is a play by play of what will happen)
1. Place around the room egg-sized smooth stones with "S" marked on them.
2. Gather the chidlren around and ask them to go on a stone hunt with teacher.
3. After each child has found a stone, gather children together in circle time.
4. Ask "What are some things that we can do with our stones?"
5. Record answers on a chart.
6. Ask "How about making some soup with our stones?"
Introduce "Stone Soup" by Marcia Brown.
7. While reading the story, pull out of the bag each ingredient as it is introduced in the story eg - stone, potato, carrot etc.
8. Have the children take turns putting the items into a soup pot, emphasizing the sharing that is going on.
9. Have the children tell back the story using prompts of "first" then" and "last". Depending on the interest level, have different chldren lead in the maiking of the soup.
10. Finally, tell the children they make keep their "S" stones, emphsizing that "S" is for stone, "S" is for soup and "S" is for sharing.
Assessment/Verification(Steps to check for student understanding. (We will talk about this in Chapter 15. )
1. child will be able to relate back the story, using first, next and last prompts as needed.
2. Child will be able to verbalize some of the items shared to make the soup.
3. Child will be able to verbalize that he shared in making the soup.
Reinforcement/ Expansion Activities(Describe the independent activities to further develop or build upon this lesson. Often this involves independent or small group work. You may think in terms of seat work, web work, discovery projects, )
1. In the sand table, put egg-sized smooth rocks with ABC's printed on them.
2. Dramatic play - Add a big soup pot to the kitchen Provide real potatoes, carrots and onions to the kitchen for a limited time.
3. Make "Sharing Soup". Have each child bring a small can of soup ingredients - such as carrots, corn, potatoes, macaroni, broth etc. Mix all together and eat at snack time.
4. Question of the day with chart - "What is your favorite soup?"
5. Find words around the classroom that start with the letter on the rock.
6. In art center have paper bowls available. Encourage children to fill up bowls with the "soups" that they like.
7. Read "Growing vegetable Soup" by Lois Ehlert and "The Hungry Thing" by Jan Slepian and Ann Seidler
8. Large Motor - Bean Bag toss into a large soup kettle
9. Add plastic vegetables and bowls to the block center.
10. Have some metel pots and wooden spoons in the music center.
11. Use vegetable counters to make patterns and for sorting.
12. Have the rock collection out on the science table, complete with magnifying glasses. Adaptations(Choose a special need and add adaptations where it will be necessary for those students).
Downs Syndrome
1. Stay with the child as he finds the stone in the stone hunt.
2. Make sure child holds each object as it comes out of the bag during the reading of the story.
3. Have the child sit next to teacher.
4. Have ABC cards in relief available so child can trace the letter with finger. Help him find words that match to his rock .
Visually impaired
1. Let child handle all soup ingredients
2. Let child hold the soup pot and feel as each of the ingredients are put in
3. Have ABC cards in relief available so child can trace the letter with finger. Help him find words that match to his rock .
4. Emphasize the "ess" hissing sound
Additional Notes
This activity is planned for a circle time with 10 4-year olds.
Iowa Early Learing Standards -2006
Special Education in Contemporary Society, by Gargiulo
Stone soup by Marica Brown
Charts for Children by Judy Nyberg

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